Kate Russell, Chief Operating Officer

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Kate Russell BSc(Hons) FRICS FAAV PMIAgrM CEnv is an agricultural valuer, chartered surveyor and chartered environmentalist with more than 30 years’ experience in rural land management, rural policy development and stakeholder engagement.

After a degree in in rural land management from the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Kate worked as an agricultural valuer in private practice in Cumbria, Wiltshire and Lincolnshire. She returned to the Royal Agricultural College to spend several years as a senior lecturer in estate management.

Kate then spent 13 years working as a technical and policy adviser for the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (CAAV), supporting and briefing 2,900 agricultural valuers across the UK. She was involved in rural policy development on subjects as diverse as energy efficiency, residential tenancies and compulsory purchase and in 2021 was awarded the Kenneth Glenny Prize by the CAAV for her outstanding contribution to the work of the Association.

In 2021 Kate co-founded Tellus Natural Capital as an independent natural capital consultancy to help farmers and landowners across the UK to prepare for and take advantage of emerging markets in ecosystem services.

Kate sits on the Institute of Agricultural Management’s Council, the CAAV’s Environment and Land Use Committee and the Agricultural Law Association’s Natural Capital Committee. She is on the BASIS Environmental AdviserRegister and is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Farmers.