Why Tellus?
We named our business after Tellus Mater, the Roman goddess of earth, agriculture and fertility whose Greek counterpart was Gaia. Healthy soil is the essential foundation for natural capital; it all starts with the earth beneath our feet.
Tellus was one of the twenty principal gods of Rome – the dei selecti – and one of the twelve agricultural deities. As goddess of the earth she was often contrasted with Jupiter, the god of heaven. When taking an oath by Tellus, people stretched their hands down towards the earth, whereas they lifted them skywards for Jupiter’s oaths.
At the start of the farming year in late January there would be a blessing of the earth in Tellus’ name, followed by a blessing of the seeds in the name of Ceres, goddess of agriculture. Tellus’ main festival, the Fordicidia, was held on 15th April, when pregnant cows would be sacrificed in her honour in one of the oldest sacrificial rites in Roman religion.
Tellus is thought to be the goddess depicted on one of the beautifully carved panels of the Ara Pacis, the Altar of Augustan Peace. It shows her surrounded by two children and two women – representing the four seasons – with a swan representing the air, a sea monster representing water and an ox and a lamb beneath her feet. Surrounded by crops, fruit and flowers, the image vividly depicts how valuable the earth is to mankind and the goddess’s command over her dominion.